How can I find out exactly which LATICRETE® adhesive I need for my substrate and conditions?

Simply refer to the easy-to-use LATICRETE Product Selection Guide found at

Related Documents:

Product Selection Guide TDS 195

How much mixing liquid do I add to LATICRETE Thin-set mortars?

The answer to this question would depend upon the specific thin-set mortar being used. It is always best to use the liquid to powder ratio (as stated on the product packaging and data sheet) as a guideline, and then mix to a certain consistency. The consistency of the thin-set mortar should be similar to cake frosting or creamy peanut butter. To mix smaller batches use the proportionate liquid to powder ratios to achieve the proper consistency. Refer to the product data sheets, found at, for more specific information on mixing and installation.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 254 Platinum DS 677.0
LATICRETE 255 MultiMaxTM DS 255.0
LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive DS 230.1
LATICRETE 211 Powder DS 239.0

Which LATICRETE products can I use to install paper-face mounted glass mosaics?

Check with the glass mosaic tile manufacturer for specific installation material requirements for their glass. If latex-based thin-sets are recommended then choose from either of the following methods (as per ANSI A108.14 and ANSI A108.15);

For the conventional two-step process of thin-setting and grouting, use LATICRETE® 254 Platinum (white), or, LATICRETE 211 Powder (white) mixed with LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive.

For the one-step method of installing and grouting at the same time, use LATICRETE PermaColorTM Grout (or LATICRETE 1500 Sanded Grout) mixed with LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive.

For glass mosaic tile which requires an epoxy setting material, use LATAPOXY® 300 Adhesive.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 254 Platinum DS 677.0
LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive DS 230.1
LATICRETE 211 Powder DS 239.0
LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive DS 633.0
Installation of Glass Mosaic Tile TDS 145

Which LATICRETE products can I use to install rear mesh mounted glass mosaic tile?

There is currently no industry standard for the glues and meshes used on the back of mosaic tile. In many cases, these glues and/or mesh mountings are sensitive to moisture and alkalinity exposure. Unless the glass manufacturer states, in writing, that the glue and mesh are suitable for installation with a latex fortified cement based adhesive, LATICRETE would recommend the use of a 100% solids epoxy adhesive (e.g. LATAPOXY® 300 Adhesive).

Related Documents:

LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive DS 633.0
Installation of Glass Mosaic Tile TDS 145

Which adhesive should I use for porcelain bodied tiles?

Use a high strength latex fortified thin set mortar to install porcelain tiles. (e.g. LATICRETE® 254 Platinum, or, LATICRETE 211 Powder mixed with LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive, etc...). Porcelain tiles are very dense and typically have a porosity rate of =0.5%. These tiles require the high bond strength that latex fortified thin set mortars provide. The Tile Council of North America requires the use of latex fortified thin set mortars for the installation of porcelain tiles.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 254 Platinum DS 677.0
LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive DS 230.1
LATICRETE 211 Powder DS 239.0
Installing Porcelain, "Granito" & Similar Tiles TDS 119

Can I install a mesh-backed or resin-backed stone or agglomerate stone?

Yes. It is important to note that the adhesion of the mesh and/or resin backing to the stone or agglomerate stone is equally, if not more important than the adhesion of the tile adhesive to the mesh and/or resin backing. If the adhesion of the mesh and/or resin backing is minimal, it is very possible that the stone or agglomerate stone can come loose while the mesh and/or resin backing remains bonded to the substrate. Some mesh adhesives may be moisture sensitive and should not be used in certain applications. Check with the stone supplier or agglomerate stone manufacturer for recommended uses and applications.

Consult with the stone supplier or agglomerate stone manufacturer for their recommended installation instructions. To ensure maximum adhesion and performance use LATAPOXY® 300 Adhesive for any mesh and/or resin-backed stone or agglomerate stone.

It is always a good idea, and highly recommended, to conduct a test area (under actual jobsite conditions) with the specified installation materials, to determine acceptability and suitability of the system.

Related Documents:

LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive DS 633.0
Installation of Resin-Backed Tile and Stone TDS 150

Which adhesive should I use to install Saltillo tiles?

Use a high strength latex fortified thin set mortar to install Saltillo tiles. (e.g. LATICRETE® 254 Platinum, LATICRETE 211 Powder mixed with LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive, etc...) Saltillo tiles are very porous and highly absorptive which can quickly draw moisture out of conventional dry-set (ANSI A118.1) thin set mortars. The latex fortified thin set mortars provide a longer working time, and adjustability time. Additionally, the moisture will not be drawn out of the thin set mortar as quickly. This will result in higher bond strength and make the Saltillo installation much more durable.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 254 Platinum DS 677.0
LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive DS 230.1
LATICRETE 211 Powder DS 239.0

My thin-set mortar is setting up too fast. What can I do?

It is important to read product data sheets for pot life and open time, based on conditions, for the particular product(s) being used. Understand that hot temperatures will accelerate the cure time, shorten pot life and minimize open time of any adhesive. The basic rule is that for 18°F (10°C) above 70°F (21°C) a cement based adhesive or grout, and an epoxy based adhesive or grout will cure twice as fast.

If the mortar in the bucket is beginning to get hard, you may be able to remix the mortar (DO NOT ADD WATER!) to redistribute water throughout the mix. If the mortar is too hard, it will be necessary to discard the unused material and mix a new batch.

Some useful hints for hot conditions can be found in LATICRETE TDS 176 "Hot Weather Tiling and Grouting" found at

Related Documents:

Hot Weather Tiling and Grouting TDS 176

Questions about Mastic Adhesive Thin-set Installations

Can I use mastic adhesive to install tile on floors?

Yes. However, there are size limitations. Maximum tile size for floors when using LATICRETE® 9 Mastic or LATICRETE 15 Premium Mastic is 6” x 6” (150mm x 150 mm). The use of a mastic is not recommended for use on shower floors, exterior, or any floors in areas that wil be soaked, saturated, or regularly and frequently subjected to moisture or liquids. Do not use mastics for porcelain tile larger than 2” x 2” (50mm x 50mm).

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 15 Premium Mastic DS 286.0
LATICRETE 9 Mastic DS 284.0

How large a tile can I install on walls when using a mastic adhesive?

The maximum wall tile size when using LATICRETE 9 Mastic or LATICRETE 15 Premium Mastic is 10” x 10” (250mm x 250 mm). Do not use mastics for porcelain tile larger than 2” x 2” (50mm x 50mm).

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 15 Premium Mastic DS 286.0
LATICRETE 9 Mastic DS 284.0

How soon can I grout after installing tile with a mastic adhesive?

Installation of can begin after a minimum of 24 hours curing at 70°F (21°C). Cooler temperatures will require a longer cure time.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 15 Premium Mastic DS 286.0
LATICRETE 9 Mastic DS 284.0

Questions about Epoxy Adhesive Thin-set Installations

How much time do I have to work with LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive?

You will have approximately 1 hour at 70°F (21°C) after the epoxy liquids are first blended together. Warmer temperatures will shorten pot life and open time, while cooler temperatures will extend the pot life and open time.

Related Documents:

LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive DS 633.0

Which epoxies can be used as a tile or stone adhesive?

LATAPOXY® 300 Adhesive, a 100% solids epoxy adhesive which meets ANSI A118.3 requirements, or, LATAPOXY 210 Adhesive, a modified epoxy emulsion which meets ANSI A118.8 requirements.

Related Documents:

LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive DS 633.0
LATAPOXY 210 Adhesive DS 630.0

Which adhesive should I use for green marble or other moisture sensitive stone or agglomerate stone?

Use LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive, a 100% solids epoxy adhesive.

Related Documents:

LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive DS 633.0

I only need a small amount of the epoxy adhesive and do not want to mix the entire unit. What can I do?

For best results, LATICRETE suggests that you mix the entire unit. However, if you need to mix up only a small amount, use the same proportions of each component (e.g. 1/2 of the Part A liquid, 1/2 of the Part B liquid, and 1/2 of the Part C powder). Proportioning should be based on the individual weight of each component.

Related Documents:

LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive DS 633.0
LATAPOXY 210 Adhesive DS 630.0

How much time do I have to work with LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive?

You will have approximately 1 hour at 70°F (21°C) after the epoxy liquids are first blended together.

Related Documents:

LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive DS 633.0

Can I use LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive for vertical interior applications?

Yes. LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive is designed to be used on interior vertical applications, exterior submerged applications, and exterior and interior horizontal and vertical applications. Please note that tile or stone installed vertically with LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive will require support for each tile or stone unit to prevent sagging.

Related Documents:

LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive DS 633.0

Do I have to use all of the LATAPOXY Part C Filler Powder when mixing LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive?

No. You must add at least 3/4 of the LATAPOXY Part C Filler Powder to the fully blended Part A and Part B liquids. Mix to a creamy peanut butter or toothpaste consistency. Temperature and jobsite conditions will help to dictate exactly how much powder to use. For optimum coverage, use all of the LATAPOXY Part C Filler Powder, but , for better workability, use 10% less powder.

Related Documents:

LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive DS 633.0


How do I install tile or stone over a mortar bed?

There are two options.

  • “Cured” Mortar Bed - Allow the mortar bed to harden and then waterproof or thin set the tiles onto the mortar bed using a LATICRETE Liquid Latex Fortified or LATICRETE Polymer Fortified Thin-set mortar system (ANSI A108.1B).
  • “Green” Mortar Bed - Install the tile or stone onto the fresh mortar bed by applying a slurry bond coat (e.g. LATICRETE 254 Platinum, or, LATICRETE 211 Powder mixed with LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive) directly onto the "green" mortar bed and to the backs of the tile or stone. Place the tiles into the wet slurry bond coat and beat/level into the mortar bed with a beating block or rubber mallet until the desired elevation is met and the tile or stone is fully bedded (ANSI A108.1A).

Related Documents:

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