

How to Install a Shower Drain in Concrete

Learn two different ways on how to install a shower drain in concrete using the bonded mortar bed and unbonded mortar bed installation methods.

Learning how to install a shower drain in a concrete floor is essential for a seamless and functional bathroom project. This blog provides a step-by-step guide to installing a shower drain in a concrete slab. It covers key steps, including marking and preparing the area, cutting the concrete, setting up the drainpipe, and securely attaching the shower drain. Following these instructions ensures a proper installation that prevents leaks and promotes efficient water drainage. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or hiring a professional, understanding how to install a shower drain in a concrete floor is crucial for creating a durable and reliable shower system.

Bonded Mortar Bed Bonding Flange shower drain Installation

Before placing mortar, apply a slurry bond coat made from 254 PLATINUM® . While the slurry bond coat is wet, spread 3701 Fortified Mortar and compact well. Mortar beds shall be 3/4" (19 mm) minimum to 2" (50 mm) maximum. Mortar beds in excess of 2" (50 mm) thick shall be detailed by the architect per TCNA F112. Prior to installing the HYDRO BAN® Bonding Flange Drain:

  1. Make sure the backer board has been installed on the walls following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  2. The HYDRO BAN Bonding Flange Drain should be installed per TCNA Method B422.
  3. Before installing the HYDRO BAN Bonding Flange Drains make sure the opening in the floor where the waste line connection is made is 4-1/4" (108 mm) in diameter.
  4. The lip of the HYDRO BAN Bonding Flange Drain should sit approximately 1-1/4" (32 mm) above the substrate.
  5. Dry fit the HYDRO BAN Bonding Flange Drain through the hole and to the waste line below.
  6. When connecting to a 2" (50 mm) waste line which is already in place the top of the waste line should be 13/4” (44 mm) below the surface of the substrate.
  7. Make sure that the HYDRO BAN Bonding Flange Drain is PVC when connecting to a PVC waste line or ABS when connecting to an ABS waste line.
  8. Cement the HYDRO BAN Bonding Flange Drain in place using PVC solvent and cement for PVC and ABS solvent and cement for ABS HYDRO BAN Bonding Flange Drain and waste line connections.
  9. Make sure that the HYDRO BAN Bonding Flange is level before the PVC or ABS cement has cured.
  10. DO NOT MIX materials, this will cause a failure in the pipe weld. 


Mortar Bed — Installation Over Concrete (see ESB422BFD Concrete Bonded and ES-B422BFD Concrete Unbonded)

  1. For a bonded mortar bed over concrete shower drain installation, before placing mortar, apply a slurry bond coat made from 254 Platinum.
  2. While the slurry bond coat is wet, spread 3701 Fortified Mortar Bed and compact well. 
  3. Bonded mortar beds over concrete shall be 3/4"(19 mm) minimum to 2"(50 mm) maximum.
  4. For an unbonded installation over concrete (see ESB415BFD Concrete Unbonded) a cleavage membrane as specified in ANSI A108.02-3.8 should be used in place of the slurry bond coat.
  5. When using the unbonded method, install the cleavage membrane prior to the HYDRO BAN Bonding Flange Drain installation.
  6. The 3701 Fortified Mortar should be reinforced with 2" x 2" (50 x 50 mm) reinforcing mesh.
  7. Unbonded mortar beds over concrete shall be 1-1/4" (32 mm) minimum to 2" (50 mm) maximum. 

In Both Bonded and Unbonded Mortar Bed Installations:

  1. Place enough 3701 Fortified Mortar Bed under the HYDRO BAN Bonding Flange Drain to support the flange of the drain.
  2. Minimum height from the flange to the substrate should be 1-1/4" (32 mm).
  3. Next place a ribbon of 3701 Fortified Mortar Bed along the opposite walls to create a 1/4" (6 mm) per foot slope to the HYDRO BAN Bonding Flange Drain.
  4. Fill the area between the drain and the walls with 3701 Fortified Mortar Bed; screed and compact well.
  5. Mortar beds in excess of 2" (50 mm) thick shall be detailed by the architect per TCNA F112.  



For additional information on how to install shower drains, please refer to our various LATICRETE Shower Drain product information and Shower Drain Installation instructions.

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