Did You Know?

LATICRETE is leading our industry in developing lighter weight product solutions to help mitigate the more than 1 million back injuries construction workers have experienced

Back injuries are nearly 20 percent of all injuries and illnesses in the workplace. Only the common cold accounts for more lost days of work than back injuries

There is some research showing that workers believe they can lift more when wearing a back belt. If workers falsely believe they are protected, they may subject themselves to even greater risk by lifting more weight than they would have without a belt. “The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, therefore, does not recommend the use of back belts to prevent injuries among workers who have never been injured.” 


遵循加州劳资关系部职业安全与健康司研究与教育部 Cal/OSHA 咨询服务研究和教育部门编写的 《手动物料搬运人体工程学指南 》中编写的这些正确的起重/搬运技术和指南。 


  • 获得牢固的抓握
  • 尽可能使用双手
  • 使用平稳、均匀的动作避免抽搐
  • 使负载尽可能靠近身体
  • 在可行的情况下,用你的腿向上推和举起负荷,而不是上半身或背部
  • 不要扭动身体 - 向一侧或另一侧迈步转身
  • 将繁重的举重或剧烈运动任务与体力要求较低的任务交替进行
  • 休息一下 
  • 使用哈特福德®概述的 工地伸展练习 (下载PDF)伸展和加强背部肌肉
  • 代替PPE(个人防护设备),建议使用适当的拉伸和提升技术 


  • 如果可能,请使用轻质产品
  • LATICRETE®轻量化产品在我们的产品类别中随处可见。查看我们的目录和手册。 
  • 在混合和浇注自流平垫层、覆盖层和环氧涂料时,使用可浇注推车,如 LATICRETE® Pro-Mix站


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