Our role as a manufacturer is to not only make quality products that are healthier to work with, but to also provide access to safety education and alternative installation techniques to help lower the staggering injury and ailment statistics associated within our industry. We care about our industry, and we care about you.
Construction is a physically demanding occupation, but a vital part of our nation and economy. This workforce handles tasks that range from carrying heavy loads to performing repetitive tasks to safely navigating often chaotic jobsites, placing them at risk of serious injury. Because of the physically demanding nature of this work, injuries such as strains, sprains, breathing issues and work-related musculoskeletal disorders are so prevalent and are the most common injuries resulting in days away from work.
We’re here to help you! We’ve pulled together the top sources of health and safety information specifically for the construction industry. This will help increase your awareness and provide education about potential issues that can affect you. This data offers practical ideas to help reduce the risk of repetitive stress injury in common construction tasks. While some solutions may need the involvement of the building owner or general contractor, there are also many ideas that individual workers and supervisors can adopt.
Project Safety is evolving. We'll be developing additional information and resources on the safety challenges below — please be sure to check back regularly.

可吸入结晶二氧化硅是非常小的颗粒,比普通海滩或游乐场的沙子至少小 100 倍。它们是在切割、锯切、研磨、钻孔和破碎石头、岩石、混凝土、砖块、砌块和砂浆时产生的。吸入这种灰尘会导致矽肺病,在严重的情况下可能会致残,甚至致命。可吸入的二氧化硅粉尘进入肺部并导致疤痕组织的形成,从而降低肺部吸收氧气的能力。

挥发性有机化合物 (VOC)
挥发性有机化合物 (VOC) 以气体的形式从某些固体或液体中排放出来。挥发性有机化合物包括多种化学物质,其中一些可能对健康产生短期和长期的不良影响。许多挥发性有机化合物的浓度在室内一直高于室外(高达十倍)。吸入挥发性有机化合物会刺激眼睛、鼻子和喉咙。它还可能导致呼吸困难、恶心以及中枢神经系统和器官损伤。应始终佩戴适当的保护装置。




This website and the accompanying articles are made available only for educational purposes and to supply general information. It is not intended to provide medical advice to your medical questions or individual circumstances. The reference materials and content listed here were current with the laws and regulations at the time of the last expert review, however, they may not reflect the most current legal developments. Nothing herein, or in the course materials, shall be construed as professional advice as to any situation with respect to compliance with legal statutes or requirements.