New packaging rolling out now!
For more than a year, LATICRETE has been gathering feedback and information from those who matter most, our customers.
The question: how is our audience changing, and how do they shop for and select the installation products for their projects?
What we learned is it is not just the commercial pros seeking high-end results. A new generation of bucket and trowel installers, DIYers, and residential contractors is changing the landscape of our industry, and our products needed to evolve with the times.
What resulted is one of the biggest “makeovers” for LATICRETE® products in years.
- A globally consistent look making LATICRETE products more easily recognizable in any language
- New, more durable bags
- Full color prints with brighter colors
- Less text with more images and icons to differentiate products and aid in the installation process
- The information customers need, front and center in a new easy-to-read vertical layout
We’ve invested in these changes to make it easier for our customers to select the right products to build innovative and iconic projects with the level of quality and trust they’ve come to expect from LATICRETE.
Rooted in innovation, growing for excellence. It’s our brand promise to you. We are excited for you to see the changes we made as they roll out throughout 2023 and into 2024, and we hope you will continue to rely on LATICRETE for decades to come.
常见问题 (FAQ)
一个。首批接受这种处理的产品将于 2023 年开始,我们的新产品将在我们的发布窗口 1 (LW1) 中推出。随着这一过程在一年中的进行,您将继续在货架上看到旧包装。
答:我们产品组合中的产品将根据一定的优先级进行滚动更新。最初的优先事项是任何新产品和我们的核心产品组合。 SPARTACOTE®、 L&M™ 和 STONETECH® 产品线目前不会更新。
答:是的!请记住,此推出将在一年内进行。 您拥有的产品仍然可以销售和使用。
一个。所有粉末状产品和拣选托盘(带有混合产品的托盘)将移至新的 44“x44” 托盘。整桶产品将继续使用 40 英寸 x 48 英寸的托盘。
一个。托盘更换的时间将与 SKU 推出的新包装相吻合。
一个。新的小型托盘将继续具有四向通道(可以从所有四个侧面叉车)。在 2023 年晚些时候,这将更改为双向访问。
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