Did You Know?

Workers who spend a good deal of time in the kneeling position put 89% of their body weight on a small surface area. Prolonged kneeling can often lead to injury. 

Tasks that involve frequent stooping, kneeling, or squatting increase the risk of developing bursitis, tendinitis, or arthritis in the knee 

Source: "Kneeling on Hard Surfaces Increases Risk of Injury" article by Industrial Safety & Hygiene News


The Institute in Medicine estimates the economic burden of WMSDs as measured by compensation costs, lost wages, and lost productivity, are between $45 and $54 billion annually 

Knee pain affects approximately 25% of adults. The prevalence of knee pain has increased almost 65% over the past 20 years, accounting for nearly 4 million primary care visits annually. 

Knee pain is the second most common cause of chronic pain and chronic pain is the most common cause of long-term disability

Certain occupations are associated with increased prevalence of arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis, most often of the knee and/or hip...[including] construction. 

Common features of these occupations are physically demanding/heavy labor tasks, lifting or carrying heavy loads, exposure to vibration, high risk of joint or tissue injury, and prolonged periods of working in awkward or unnatural postures such as kneeling and crawling

Source: "Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders & Ergonomics" article by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


  • 将工作从地面上抬起
  • 在工具上添加一个扩展件,这样您就可以在腰部高度工作,而不是跪着
  • 在跪姿工作期间,经常进行 10-20 秒的微休息,以伸展腿部并让膝盖恢复到静止位置
  • 在坚硬的表面上持续行走和站立会将冲击通过腿部传递到膝盖 - 缓解压力始于购买出色的工作靴或带有足弓支撑的鞋子,这有助于 增强脚部肌肉
  • 选择优质的鞋类和鞋垫,并使用抗疲劳垫来帮助减轻膝盖的压力
  • 伸展和加强腿部肌肉


  • 查找并购买适合您的护膝
  • 在谷歌搜索、家居中心商店、五金店和在线工业用品商店上进一步查看


  • 制造商正在配制重量更轻的产品,使用它们!  
  • LATICRETE拥有许多 轻质和快速固化产品 ,可减少安装时间,减少重复的重袋提升,减少膝盖的压力和时间



  • 护膝s 是用于缓解跪在坚硬表面上对膝关节造成的压力的个人防护设备
  • 带有内置座椅的护膝是一种工程控制,可能有助于减轻跪下时膝盖、小腿和脚踝的压力
  • 跪垫 用于减轻跪在坚硬表面上对膝关节造成的压力
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